Friday, November 07, 2008

Real change comes to America! What it means to me.

If one asked me how I felt about this historical moment of Barack Obama being elected as our 44th President, I'd say that we, as Americans, are done with the divide and conquer techniques that have been used on the electorate for over the past 221 years. The William Lynch tactics of long ago have been exposed and the majority of Americans have rejected it's purpose. Electing Barack Obama is showing that we, as an American people, have decided to finally come together in unity and fight with common goals for a country that is truly the best place to grow up and live in.

It excites me knowing there is a new day, a new era dawning upon all of us that will light a better future for our children, and theirs. This also can mean a fair shot is given to those who truly deserve it. A larger pool has been created to pick the best of the best regardless of race, color, or creed.

The feeling is indescribable when I think of Obama as our President-Elect. Days after the election, I still wake up overjoyed just thinking about his victory with Michelle by his side and little Sasha and Malia having a new front lawn to play on. It only saddens me to know that my dear Mom-Mom and Nana Sampson couldn't be here to witness it on earth. I know they're watching and smiling down from above.

For my own personal reflection, I really feel Obama's win has also changed me for the better. It's pushing me harder to see one of my own dreams come to fruition - seeing my photos in a major magazine someday!

There's much to be done! And I'm ready to work.

Dreaming Big,

p.s. Below are photos from election day. I asked my sister to snap the ones of me getting ready to make a difference. I wanted to get photos of the expected "voting lines" as well, but there were none. Hey, it was 6.30am and I'm living in a rather small town - Atlantic City.

(Someone stole our Obama/Biden lawn sign on election night. Damn thieves.)

The rest of the photos are from the following morning at "The Civil Rights Garden." Went for a peaceful stroll and self reflection.

I am so excited about the next four years with Barack!

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